Wednesday, January 20, 2016

The X-Files

This is a mini-review of the 6-part limited series starring David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson, which premieres on Sunday, January 24th. Unfortunately, there's not much need for a maxi-review. While I should acknowledge up front that I've only seen the pilot episode of the new season, I don't have much confidence that that the remaining five episodes will change my opinion.

Friday, January 08, 2016

The Top 20 Shows of 2015

Here's a late holiday gift for everyone- TV recommendations!

It was kind of an odd year in that four of my top five shows are new. I'm not sure if that indicates a influx of great material or a decline in the quality of more established shows. 

Another interesting trend- we have to get all the way to #8 before there's a scripted show with a traditional, "I feel good about rooting for this person" character. I kind of thought the era of antiheroes had passed. Guess not.